heard this song on tv. take a good read at it and u'll understand the meaning. lovely song.
its only two weeks after our exams and it feels like very long. i've got 3.5 months more to endure!!
pple. pls plan stuff thats low on cost
now that everyone's having holidays. we can haf soccer sessions other den saturday.
all major soccer leagues have ended their season. this means that we dont have to stick our faces to the television anymore.
i hate my legs. why do they keep getting injuried. probably the owner is a fucked up asshole that doesnt take care of them.
haha anyway. i really want to go and run and run and run and run and run.
i think its time to bring back the endurance back in army. run through the pain barrier.
guang♥Bid Farewell
someone pls save arsenal fc
2009 wishlist:
1. pass my exams with good grades
2. sponsor for my contact lenses
3. sponsor for driving
4. lose weight and keep fit.
5. more of ur smiles