Tuesday, September 09, 2008
oh no suddenly i realised that i got a whole ton of tutorials to do!!
die now i need alot of time and alot more braincells.
watched 4bia today wif nel, so many pple say its horrifying. ers? no?
i think i really watched too much horror show when i was younger, seems like its been along time since i last gotten scared by movie.come on directors, get me a scary show..haha!
but i need to find a perm horror movie buddy.everyone dunnwanna go scary movie with me... =(
money makes the world go round.
so guys u need to have at least some money.
get a car, get some bling bling, then u'll get the girls.
its a practical world, some are practical pple.
last time it was the 5Cs now its like a million Cs.
hahah this is a result from a conver with a girl friend.
any new movies to intro?
dota last nite was hell like.. wow
total thrashing. pls nel either u let me use LR if not teach me new hero.
my veno skills cannot make it lar!!
i wanna eat bak kua!!!
lust for food after my sickness....
revised version...
What hurts the most, is when you know the person you love, is thinking and/or caring for someone else and you cant do anything about it. the pain hurts like hell, an undesirable, heart wrenching feeling.
i got a wishlist....
but i nv complete anything on the wishlist before...
wishlist coming up nxt entry.
gman lurbs you.
guang♥Bid Farewell